When you become a business owner you’ll have to take on the dual role of business expert and salesperson. You want to turn all your leads into customers, right? Of course you do! To close more leads you must channel your inner salesperson. This adjustment might feel odd at first — after all, not everyone who is confident in their business domain knowledge is also comfortable at sales — but to build a successful business you need to learn to play both parts!
Unfortunately, there isn’t a switch inside your head that you can just flip and instantly become a world-class salesperson, but in this post we’ll show you exactly how to turn maybes into members!
Let’s start at the beginning. Someone has just decided they’re interested in participating in a fabulous free trial at your studio. They’ve given you their contact information and now it’s time to act! Give them a call five to ten minutes after they fill out one of your forms. Your name is fresh in their minds and they’re probably still looking at the smartphone they most likely used to submit their info. If you wait too long, say 30 minutes — or even until the next day — your odds of success are much, much smaller. People aren’t going to pick up the phone for an unknown number, but if they know they just gave you their contact information they’ll be expecting you (or at least impressed by your responsiveness)!
You got them to pick up the phone, you’re on a roll, now you just have to wow this potential new client. Honesty is the first key to a successful pitch. Don’t try and be sneaky and rope them into a membership. Have an honest conversation about what services you provide and how you can help them achieve their weight-loss goals. Don’t confuse them with a bunch of fitness mumbo jumbo that they won’t understand. It’s simple: be clear about what your program entails and what they should expect on their fitness journey!
Show that you really care about helping them by asking good questions. Ask about their previous workout experiences, if they have any injuries, and their thoughts about working out in general. The more you get to know them, the more they’ll trust you!
You just finished delivering the best sales pitch your client has ever heard. What’s next? If you’re trying to close your lead you have to reach out in more than one way. This is when you turn to email. With programs like MailChimp and InfusionSoft you can automate your email lists to send your leads more information and also welcome them to your studio. This way you don’t miss anyone and your leads are less likely to run dry! If they don’t decide to schedule their free session immediately, you’re not out of luck just yet. Send follow-up emails and retarget ads towards your lead on Facebook to remind them of your awesome offer.
Alright. Let’s say your lead has finally scheduled their session and today is their time ever visiting your studio. Turn on the charm and put your salesperson cap on once again.
A person’s first day at a studio can be really intimidating. They’re not sure what to expect, so make sure they feel welcome. When they arrive, greet them at the door and check them in, maybe get in some small talk. Next, show them around the studio and introduce them to your staff; make them feel at home! Then, get them set up for their class and teach them about any equipment they’ll need to use. (Yes, I know this all sounds like a lot of work to capture just one new member, but consider their lifetime value: Dedicating 30 or 60 minutes to each potential new customer up-front can pay off many-fold over the course of months or years of ongoing membership with little additional labor on your part.)
After their first class you absolutely need to catch them before they race right out the door! This can be tricky, but it’s really important that you make a good impression! Congratulate them on a fantastic first day and see how they felt about the class, what they liked, didn’t like, etc. You want to give them an experience so unique that they can’t resist coming back for another!
Once they’ve left your studio, don’t expect them to immediately sign up for another session. You might have to send them a few emails, make some calls, even shoot them a couple of texts to get them to commit. Some leads will be more difficult to close on than others, but to make them a member you’ll have to go the extra mile! Unless they explicitly tell you to stop contacting them, keep the lead on your email list.
Overall, remain honest and upfront, show that you’re dedicated to helping them transform into a happier, healthier person. With these tips we’re sure you can become the perfect balance of trainer and salesperson and start securing more leads!